domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

¿Ensayo clínico con bajo tamaño de muestra?...

...enorme papel del chance: falso positivo o falso negativo. Ni práctico ni útil.

Nagendran M, Pereira TV, Kiew G, Altman DG, Maruthappu M, Ioannidis JP, McCulloch P.  Very large treatment effects in randomised trials as an empirical marker to indicate whether subsequent trials are necessary: meta-epidemiological assessment. BMJ. 2016 Oct 27;355:i5432. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i5432.

 The frequency of VLEs followed by a large trial is vanishingly small, and where they occur they do not appear to be a reliable marker for a benefit that is reproducible and directly actionable. An empirical rule using a VLE in a randomised controlled trial as a marker that further trials are unnecessary would be neither practical nor useful. Caution should be taken when interpreting small studies with very large treatment effects.

*VLE denotes "very large effect (VLE; defined as a relative risk of ≤0.2 or ≥5)".

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